Course Details

Node + Express Js

Master Node.js and Express.js, the dynamic duo for building server-side JavaScript applications. Create scalable and efficient web applications with confidence. Ideal for all levels.

Node  + Express Js

Course Description

Learn the essentials of Node.js and Express.js, the powerful tools for building modern web applications. Master server-side JavaScript and create scalable, efficient web apps with confidence. Suitable for all levels.

Course Highlights:

  • Discover Node.js, the JavaScript runtime environment for building server-side applications
  • Explore Express.js, a popular Node.js framework for creating web applications
  • Learn to handle user requests and responses efficiently
  • Build dynamic web pages using templating engines
  • Implement authentication and authorization for secure web applications
  • Deploy your Node.js and Express.js applications to the real world


  • Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Familiarity with programming concepts and basic syntax

Who Should Enroll:

  • Aspiring web developers seeking to expand their skillset with Node.js and Express.js
  • Individuals interested in learning server-side JavaScript and building web applications
  • Students and enthusiasts eager to explore the world of Node.js and Express.js
  • Anyone looking to create dynamic and scalable web solutions


Module 1: Introduction to Node.js

  • Understanding the Node.js event loop and its impact on performance
  • Creating a basic Node.js application and using modules
  • Handling asynchronous programming with callbacks and promises

Module 2: Building Web Servers with Node.js

  • Creating a simple web server with Node.js and the HTTP module
  • Handling HTTP requests and responses efficiently
  • Utilizing routing for specific page requests

Module 3: Introduction to Express.js

  • Understanding the role of Express.js as a Node.js web framework
  • Setting up an Express.js application and creating routes
  • Processing GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests with Express.js

Module 4: Handling HTTP Requests and Responses with Express.js

  • Sending dynamic responses with various data formats (HTML, JSON, etc.)
  • Working with request and response objects for data manipulation
  • Handling errors and exceptions gracefully

Module 5: Templating and Rendering Dynamic Web Pages

  • Integrating templating engines like EJS and Pug for dynamic content
  • Creating reusable templates and partials for efficient code organization
  • Rendering HTML templates with Express.js

Module 6: Working with Middleware for Request Processing and Routing

  • Understanding the concept of middleware and its applications in Express.js
  • Creating custom middleware for request processing, routing, and error handling
  • Utilizing Express.js middleware for common tasks like authentication and logging

Module 7: Creating and Managing Databases with Node.js and Express.js

  • Connecting to databases using Node.js database drivers
  • Performing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on data
  • Integrating databases into Express.js applications for data persistence

Module 8: Building RESTful APIs with Express.js

  • Understanding the principles of RESTful API design and architecture
  • Creating and managing RESTful API endpoints for data manipulation
  • Handling data serialization and deserialization for efficient API communication

Module 9: Authentication and Authorization for Secure Applications

  • Implementing user authentication with Express.js and middleware
  • Managing user sessions and authorization levels for access control
  • Securing API endpoints with authentication and authorization mechanisms

Module 10: Deploying Node.js and Express.js Applications to Production

  • Understanding the deployment process for Node.js and Express.js applications
  • Choosing the right hosting

NPR 30000

Duration: 3 Months

Course Type: Online / Physical

Category: Backend Development